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Tips to improve your creativity

tips 3 min read , September 18, 2020

Tips to improve your creativity. In today's fast-paced world, our homes have transformed into more than just places to sleep and eat. They now serve as versatile spaces where we work, relax, socialize, and navigate the complexities of daily life. Striking the right balance between productivity and leisure in our homes has become a constant challenge. Amidst this delicate equilibrium, we often overlook the treasure trove of creativity that can be harnessed within our own four walls. This article explores tips to improve creativity, drawing inspiration from the transformative principles of "The Artist's Way." Join us on a voyage into the heart of creativity as we delve into the key principles of this renowned guidebook and uncover the secrets to unearthing your most authentic and innovative self. Whether you're an aspiring painter, a writer, a musician, or simply someone seeking to infuse more creativity into your daily existence, this article will serve as your compass on the exhilarating journey toward self-discovery and artistic fulfillment.

What is creativity?

If you are a little lost in the sentence “ways to be creative” or even the word creativity itself, let’s begin with a definition.

Ready to continue? Are you looking for creative things to do at home? All this will be in a creative but very smooth way, I promise. So here you go, come with me and follow the next tips.


Book The artist’s way.

Creativity is not a finite resource reserved for the elite few; it resides within all of us, waiting to be awakened and nurtured. In the bustling cacophony of modern life, it's easy to lose touch with our innate artistic inclinations. That's where "The Artist's Way" comes in, a transformative guidebook that has inspired countless individuals to rediscover their creative potential and reignite the flames of imagination. Join us on a voyage into the heart of creativity as we explore the key principles of "The Artist's Way" and uncover the secrets to unearthing your most authentic and innovative self. Whether you're an aspiring painter, a writer, a musician, or simply someone seeking to infuse more creativity into your daily existence, this article will serve as your compass on the exhilarating journey toward self-discovery and artistic fulfillment.

Key principles of "The Artist's Way":

  1. Morning Pages: One of the pillars of the book is the exercise called "Morning Pages," where the author suggests writing three pages freely every morning. This helps release blocked thoughts and connect with underlying creativity.
  2. The Creative Encounter: The book encourages scheduling regular "dates" with your creativity. This could include activities like walks, visits to art galleries, writing, painting, or any other activity that inspires you.
  3. Creative Walks: This involves taking walks without a specific goal, allowing thoughts to flow freely. These walks can stimulate the mind and help generate new ideas.
  4. Self-Care: The author emphasizes the importance of taking care of oneself to maintain creativity. This includes maintaining a positive internal dialogue, avoiding excessive self-criticism, and cultivating healthy habits.

Tips on how to be more creative:

  1. Establish a Creative Routine: Set aside specific time regularly for creative activities. Consistency can help train your mind to be more creative during those moments.
  2. Practice Detachment from the Outcome: Focus on the creative process rather than worrying too much about the final result. Excessive pressure on the outcome can block creativity.
  3. Maintain an Idea Journal: Keep a journal where you can jot down ideas, thoughts, and observations. This will help you capture and develop creative concepts over time.
  4. Experiment with Different Mediums: Don't limit yourself to a single form of expression. Try different artistic mediums and creative activities to broaden your perspective and stimulate creativity.
  5. Seek Inspiration from Diverse Sources: Read books, explore nature, attend cultural events, and stay curious. Inspiration can come from a variety of places.
  6. Overcome the Fear of Failure: Accept that mistakes and failures are a natural part of the creative process. Learn from them instead of allowing them to stop you.
  7. Create a Favorable Creative Space: Organize a space where you feel comfortable and free to explore your creativity without distractions.
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